Get Involved
Change Starts with You!
Learn who your representatives are and reach out to them to make your opinions known about the issues that matter. Your representatives are elected to be the voice of the people – call, write, and visit to make sure your voice is heard. You can click below to put in your exact address and get a list of representatives specific to you, or see the full list.
Who is my Federal Representative?
U.S. Senate
U.S. representative
- U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra (4th District – Marshall/Story County)
- U.S. Representative Ashley Hinson (2nd District – Poweshiek/Tama/Hardin County)
Who is my State Representative?
Iowa Governor
Iowa House of Representatives
- Brett Barker, District 51 – Marshall County
- David Blom, District 52 – Marshall County
- Dean Fisher, District 53 – Tama/Poweshiek County
- Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, District 49 – Story County
- Ross Wilburn, District 50 – Marshall/Story County
- Joshua Meggers, District 54 – Hardin County
Iowa Senate
- Kara Warme, District 26 – Marshall/Story County
- Herman Quirmbach, District 25 – Story County
- Annette Sweeney, District 27 – Hardin/Tama/Poweshiek County
How do I Engage in Advocacy?
There are many ways! Here are some to consider:
- Call or email your legislator. You don’t necessarily have to ask for their support on a certain piece of legislation, though that can also be very effective. Let them know what you support and what you expect from them.
- Visit a town hall or day on the hill. If there’s an opportunity to go talk to your legislators in person, take it! It can be very impactful for them to hear from constituents directly.
- Tell your story. If you have a story of how a program, service, or office has helped you, be sure to share that with your legislator! There are many times where they are making decisions about funding that can profoundly affect those programs and your story matters greatly.
- Educate yourself and others on important legislation. Sign up for newsletters or other ways to track bills that are in the legislature so you can follow the ones that interest you. Help others find and follow that information as well.
- VOTE. Both in national presidential elections and in small local elections, your voice matters.