What is WIC
WIC is a nutrition and health program that can provide your family with formula, vouchers for healthy food, breastfeeding help, and nutrition education. WIC staff also conduct screenings and connect you to resources so that you and your children maintain good health. WIC can also help you apply for Medicaid.
Do I qualify for WIC?
To participate in WIC, you must be a pregnant person, breastfeeding, or up to six months postpartum. WIC also serves children and infants from birth to age 5. You must be declared nutritionally at-risk (this can be done at the WIC clinic or by a private physician or dietitian). MICA WIC serves Boone, Jasper, Marshall, Poweshiek, Tama, and Story counties. You must also meet income guidelines – about $49,025 for a family of four.
This organization is an equal opportunity provider
Breast Feeding Peer Counselors
MICA, as a WIC provider, encourages breastfeeding both because of its economical benefits and because of its boost to child health through good nutrition. We believe that breastfeeding is the best feeding choice for infants unless medically contraindicated.
Despite its numerous benefits, we realize that breastfeeding can be difficult for first time mothers. That’s why we developed a breastfeeding peer support program to pair experienced mothers (peer counselors) with new ones.
Through this program, we help new mothers learn about the tools available to them including breast pumps, breast shells or nursing supplementers. Mothers who are experienced in breastfeeding can also coach on difficulties with latching on and foster community support for new mothers.
Do I qualify for BFPC?
Be a WIC participant Reside in Jasper, Mahaska, Marshall, Poweshiek, Tama, Boone, or Story counties. Have a family income at or lower than 185% of the federal poverty level. Be a breastfeeding woman with an infant or child. Be declared nutritionally at-risk either at the WIC clinic or by an independent physician, nurse, or dietician.
If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids and services are available upon request. Deaf Relay: (Hearing or Speech Impaired) 711 or 1-800-735-2942